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PhD Positions Available at University of Macau and SIAT


We are hiring talented, bright, dedicated, and enthusiastic PhD students at University of Macau for research in Computer Systems, Distributed Systems, Networking and Software-Defined Networking, Cloud Computing, Virtualization and Energy Efficiency. The students will spend their study period at University of Macau and Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. The students will be supervised by Prof. Chengzhong Xu and Dr. Minxian Xu. More information about the supervisors:
Prof. Chengzhong Xu (
Dr. Minxian Xu (

The applicant should have bachelor or master degree with proven academic records, including degree certificate(s), academic awards, publications, etc. More information can be found at

The successful applicant will have monthly stipend of MOP 20,000(~US$2500) for a period up to 4 years.
And a conference or research-related travel allowance up to 
MOP 10,000 per academic year for a period up to 4 years

If you have interest, please send your CV to and 

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